
Reflections, intuitive wanderings & liminal musings.

K.B. Imle K.B. Imle

What is Intuitive Healing and How Does it Work?

When we sit down together for a reading, either on the phone or in person, when I tune in to you in a certain way, I can “see” snapshots of your energy field guided by the issues and questions you bring to the session.

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K.B. Imle K.B. Imle

Connecting With the Animate in Everyday Life

Plants have a way of getting us to do what they want…Their quiet messages may be painful or disconcerting at first; the connection may feel oddly like a disconnection. Many of us have dissociated from our origins, from our home. Even more painful is the process of rejoining to a place that feels irrevocably damaged, as if while we were distracted, things have gotten out of hand and now must be reckoned with. Like a “dead” limb that tingles painfully on waking up, learning to love the world again feels uncomfortable.

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K.B. Imle K.B. Imle

Are Mushrooms Right for You?

I deeply resonate with the findings that just a few treatments with psilocybin can permanently alter an individual’s depressive mindset. I was diagnosed with depression and PTSD and told I would never have a normal life without medication. Psilocybin has changed that reality. I am med-free, and no longer suffer from the psychological anguish I once did.

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K.B. Imle K.B. Imle

Harnessing the Power of the Drum Journey

Shamanic work revolves around the drum. For thousands of years, our ancestors across various cultures and timelines used the drum to connect with Spirit, helping them glean information they needed to survive.

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