What is Intuitive Healing and How Does it Work?
FAQs About Psychic Readings
Many people are curious about intuitive, or psychic, readings. It’s not uncommon to have a little trepidation about the process; after all, how do you know what this person can see about your innermost thoughts and feelings? Do you really want them to go digging around in your secrets?
What is an Intuitive Reading?
When I do a reading for you, I am simply looking at your energy in the moment and giving you an interpretation of what I see. Since we are made up of energy, all our communication is an exchange of energy. So when we sit down together for a reading, either on the phone or in person, when I tune in to you in a certain way, I can “see” snapshots of your energy field guided by the issues and questions you bring to the session.
What Kinds of Things Will We Discuss?
First, it’s important to know that an intuitive reading can’t delve up more than your higher self gives permission for. The reading is for your highest good, and presumably you’ve come to it to gain understanding and healing, not to cause further harm to yourself. As in a therapy session, you will learn things of value. Not all will be easy to hear, but the overall takeaway is beneficial and aimed at helping you walk your path. What’s discussed is up to you and your higher self. You may be surprised what comes up, but nearly always, it’s relevant to what’s happening in your life at a given moment. The intuitive practitioner very often has no idea of the meaning behind what they’re seeing; they’re just presenting what comes up, and you get to apply that information to your life.
What Can An Intuitive See About Me?
This varies from reading to reading. You could have different readings from one day to the next based on your energy levels, a dream you had overnight, a phone call with good or bad news, or a change in your health. The information often comes in images that may appear quirky or nonsensical to someone else, but to you they will make sense on a poignant level. In this way they are like a code that your soul is using to speak to you alone. Even if you don’t quite understand the information at the time, it may suddenly pop into focus later, or even come up in a dream. For this reason, it can be quite valuable to record the session, or write down a few key points as you go along.
How Often Should I Get a Reading?
This is entirely up to you and will depend on what issues are up for you at the moment. Someone going through a big life change like a divorce, a move, or a career change might seek a series of readings to allow their higher self to answer questions as they arise. Since the information is coming from your higher self and sometimes your spirit guides and ancestors, it can be extremely helpful and supportive during troubled times. Conversely, a single reading in normal times can give an overall picture of one’s health, relationships, career, and even past life history as it relates to the present moment.