About intuitive healing sessions
Heal your trauma & uncover your Soul’s Path.
Each session is individualized and unique to the deepest needs of your soul. This means you are not just interacting with me, but with Spirit and your own higher self. You can bring along questions about pretty much any topic, and the answers may surprise you. Or you can come without a predetermined agenda and just see where the session goes.
I will always focus on healing any issues or wounds that arise, whether from past lives or this life, bringing a shamanic lens to the session. The gift of this work is that it’s really you who’s doing the healing work, while I get to watch it happen! Together we clear old trauma from your system so you can continue on your soul’s path with more clarity, freedom and joy.
Often, we get past-life information as well as guides and helpers who want to lend support. If you’d like to contact someone who has passed over, tell me that ahead of time and we’ll see if they have anything to say. I must add the caveat that if the death was recent, we probably won’t hear much from them, but we can talk about other ways you may receive messages if you’d like to touch on that.
These sessions can be extremely supportive and validating to your life path and can sometimes yield surprising information as well. The most important thing to know about receiving an intuitive healing session is to have fun and show up as a student. You may learn a lot about how you relate to the people and circumstances in your life, and how they are relating to you.
Healing Practices
Auric Energy Reading
Land Reparation Rituals
Spirit Guides
Past Life Exploration
End of Life Transitions
Drum Journeying
Book an intuitive healing session
Sessions are held either Distance {via Phone} or In-Person {in the Longmont / Boulder, Colorado Area}.
Distance healing session rate is $135 USD. In-Person healing session rate is $150.
To schedule, please fill out the brief form below.

Client Reflections

Energy medicine works by contacting the person's subtle body, often thought of as the aura, or an aspect of the soul.
While many people think of their soul as being housed somewhere inside the body, it's actually the reverse: the body is housed inside the soul or the light-body.
A good energy healer can perceive this light-body, as well as any places where it has sustained injury, either in this life or from past life experience.
Bringing increased ease, balance, and wholeness to the light-body takes place within each energy work session.
Sessions last about 75-90 minutes and can take place in-person or over the phone.
In-person sessions are available for those who live in the Boulder/Longmont area.
For people who live in this area, I offer in-person sessions where I do hands-on bodywork if that’s what is called for. Clients who most often request this are suffering from trauma of some kind, and in addition to treating the injury, I address the places in their auric field that might also be injured or need repair. My work stems from Rolfing training and is holistic in nature, meaning I may work on a different part of the body to address the part that is experiencing pain.
If preparing for an in-person session, and you would like hands-on contact, dress in comfortable, stretchy clothing like yoga pants or shorts and a t-shirt.
If over the phone, find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably for the duration of the session.
It's entirely up to you. If you have a pressing question or need for healing, I typically recommend three sessions to dig deeply and "peel the onion" of the issue you're working with.
Intuitive/energy medicine sessions often delve into past lives, relationships in this life, questions about career and other deep concerns, and can be quite illuminating.
One session may be quite enough to "chew" on for a while, or you may find yourself returning for more information as sessions build on each other.
Please give me 24 hours' notice if you need to cancel.