Soul Mending with KB Imle
Medicine Work Course
Whether or not you’ve ever wanted to be a shamanic practitioner, the skills learned in this class will pull you closer to the things that matter.
What are those things? The living, tangible things that make up the real world. When I speak with the trees, they tell me that the ideas we all spend the most time worrying about: money, the internet, religion, even politics—are made-up things. I realize this may sound crazy to you. But to the trees—and to all the creatures who live among them—it makes perfect sense. Birds, wolves, deer and bears have lived for thousands of years without any of them. They have no religion except the changing seasons, no politics except the ones governed by food-getting and mating.
So together, for the next several months, we are going to immerse ourselves in a world free of the above ideas. We will instead explore the trails our ancestors left for us, trails so fierce and wild it will sometimes feel strange to travel them, even though they pass through the very synapses connecting our own neurons. These trails are our heritage, our birthright. Shamanic drumming, working with spirit guides, speaking with the dead, listening to weather spirits, talking to animals—these are things our forebears did, with no thought that they were weird or strange. They were hallmarks of daily life, not very long ago. And in some small parts of the world, they still are. Let’s meet some of our ancestors and explore ways we can bring this ancient medicine to the world, and to our own hearts.
5 Month Medicine Work Course
Begins March 1, 2025
For questions & to enroll in the course please email me using the contact page.
By the end of our journey, you will learn:
Who your spirit guides are
How to work with them
How to listen to non-human beings
How to connect with your higher self and your own guidance
You will know what your “medicine” is, and the beginnings of how to use it
You will understand, if not exactly what your place is, at least that you have a place in this amazing world of shamanism
Medicine Work Curriculum Includes
Learning to listen: to trees, weather, stones, your own intuition
Intuition walks: asking a question, letting nature answer
Animal medicine: who comes to you and why
Animal energy work
Journeying with the drum: building relationship with guides
Working with an oracle deck
Learn to do Soul Vessel and protective energy work on self and others
Automatic writing and dreamwork
Plant medicine (optional psilocybin microdose, optional ceremony)
Learning to listen to intuition: first thought, best thought; listening to bodily sensations like hot/cold, pain/pleasure, tingling, etc. What do these mean to you? Follow the breadcrumbs your higher self leaves.
Learning to work with spirits: creating your medicine bag, clearing physical spaces & helping spirits to cross over

Course info
This will be a roughly five-month curriculum, stretching into the summer months so we can do some outdoor work
Our class is a mix of reading, writing, group work, drumming, and time spent in the woods.
There are no online classes; everything is in person, and the group will be small, with ample space for everyone to share.
Longmont, CO and nearby outdoor locations. We will carpool/drive for some meetings.
The cost is $200/month, not including an optional psilocybin ceremony and runs for 5 months.
Additional psilocybin journey is $400.
Course may be paid via Venmo, Square, cash or check.
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, by John Fire Lame Deer (with Richard Erdoes)
The Art of Celtic Seership, by Caitlin Matthews
The Shamanic Bones of Zen, by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel