Harnessing the Power of the Drum Journey

Shamanic work revolves around the drum. For thousands of years, our ancestors across various cultures and timelines used the drum to connect with Spirit, helping them glean information they needed to survive. The rhythm of the drum puts the brain into a theta state—inducing a mild trance and allowing a person to sense things not accessible in a normal waking state. In this waking dream-state, one may “hear” colors or “see” music, similar to a psychedelic trip but without the use of plants or drugs. Spirit guides, ancestors and other helpers are then able to come and speak to us, sharing insight and information.

In a confusing and busy world filled with influences that pull us in different directions, the drum journey represents both simplicity and great power. Our brains hold the key to unlocking a force within us that can give us answers when our soul’s path seems unclear. Shamanic wisdom holds that no one—not a parent nor pastor, not a boss nor politician, not a spouse nor therapist—can show you the way. Only your direct relationship to Spirit, your intuitive knowing, has the key to that path. And the drum journey is the beginning of walking that path.

Occasionally you may find someone already leading a shamanic journey circle in your community. Mine occur about once a month, and are held here in Longmont, CO. With some Googling around, you may find one near you. But if you can’t, there are ways to get started on your own. This drum journey album by Gerry Starnes is a wonderful way to begin, and he weaves a protection meditation into the beginning. There are plenty of drum journey tracks on YouTube and Spotify; look for “shamanic drum journey” on your music service of choice.

When just starting out, you want to focus on the Lower World of the shamanic universe. This is where you’ll meet your power animals. To begin, give yourself a half-hour of undisturbed comfort. Lie down in a darkened room or with a bandanna over your eyes. Set an intention for the drum journey: something simple to begin with, like meeting your power animal and hearing what they have to say. When the drum track begins, let your imagination go. You are walking in the woods, down a favorite trail, and looking for a hole in the ground, or possibly in the trunk of a tree. When you see it, go in. Ask for a power animal to meet you there. Any animals you see, ask them if they’re there for your good. If they say yes, follow them. If they shake their head no or say nothing, let them pass by.

From here, follow the animal or animals. They may take you on an adventure. Perhaps it will make sense and perhaps not. Anything can happen in journey-space! When the drumbeat changes, you’ll know the journey is ending. Thank your guides and come back the way you entered.

You can do this as often as necessary to establish a relationship with your guides. Feel free to message me with questions; I love this subject! The relationships we build with our guides is often lifelong. They are with us to help and protect us as we travel our soul’s path.


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